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Florida Classic Auto Insurance Quotes

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FL Classic Car Insurance Quote

Class Auto Insurance Quote Request for Florida Residents

To request a personalized classic car insurance quote please complete the form below. We will contact you within a few hours. If you need immediate assistance please call 305-557-5578.

First & Last Name: *
Gender: * Male Female
City, State & Zip Code *
Do you have more than one vehicle titled in your name? : * Yes No
Will vehicle be kept in enclosed garage? : * Yes No
Vehicle Year, Make, & Model: *
How many miles driven per year?: *
E-mail Address *
Phone: *
Best Time to Call: *

Why Choose Us?

We are an independently owned insurance agency that has access to numerous nationally recognized insurance carriers which allows us to place your insurance policy with the carrier that provides you with the best possible price.

With access to numerous carriers we are not subject to one companies underwriting guidelines and premiums (price). So with that said why not choose us?.

ClassicAutoInsuranceFlorida.com is powered by EquiInsurance, LLC.

Contact Information

6839 Main Street
Miami Lakes, FL 33014

305-557-5578 Office
305-557-5197 Fax